Stihija is a poetry slam organization promoting the art of the written verse. The word Stihija in its loose translation means the chaos of the elements. Following the meaning of the word, the letters are disorganized but compact, as the elements often are. The choice of the font had to be in favor of a simple one so that the design of the type wouldn’t overshadow the organization of the letters.
If we disassemble the letters and look at them in another way, we get “stih + i + ja” (eng, a verse + and + I). That is why the letter “i” (and) had to separate the two other words, “verse” and “I”.
Also, as it is a poetry slam, people need microphones when addressing the audience, so the letter “i” also represents a microphone. As the letter plays such a crucial part, as a conjunction, and as a separator of the two words, and a microphone, it is emphasized by the most striking color of all – pure red.